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Badge Designs in PT
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02/10/12 07:58 pmFilter - Reply #20



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Posts: 75
QUOTE: Coronation
That'd be pretty cool actually. It'd kinda make you wonder about what the Gym puzzle would be like
It would probably be similar to the ghost gym's in Platinum, only darker and probably with wild pokemon battles like the ones in Emerald's Battle Grounds.

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02/12/12 11:08 pmFilter - Reply #21

Guild Member


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That'd be pretty cool Although that makes me wonder how many Dark types are in PT... I can only recall like 5 different evolution lines. That's mainly because I don't like Dark types in general XD

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02/13/12 08:10 pm - Last edited 02/28/12 07:10 pm by SpyShadow13Filter - Reply #22

Group: Member
Eh. I can't think of many dark types either, but I rather like the idea. Dark types are, in my oppinion, the coolest, next to dragon, ghost, and water.
02/28/12 12:47 pm - Last edited 02/28/12 12:49 pm by PazazaFilter - Reply #23



Group: Member
Posts: 210
QUOTE: Coronation
That'd be pretty cool Although that makes me wonder how many Dark types are in PT... I can only recall like 5 different evolution lines. That's mainly because I don't like Dark types in general XD
i'm the same way. i don't like dark types either. although i have used umbreon because i love pokemon with high defense/speacil defense. can there be a light type gym? what would the puzzle be there?
QUOTE: SpyShadow13
Eh. I can't thjink of many dark types either, but I rather like the idea. Dark types are, in my oppinion, the coolest, next to dragon, ghost, and water.
i don't like ghost types. though i have noticed there are alot of them in pokemon twilight.

03/03/12 10:46 pmFilter - Reply #24

Pyco Artist


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Posts: 656
i have ann idea for a bug badge: the Warmy badge!

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03/03/12 11:02 pmFilter - Reply #25

Group: Member
The Warmy Badge? Why would PT have a bug/ground type gym, and why would they giveit a badge after a worm?
03/04/12 01:28 amFilter - Reply #26

Group: Member
I had thought about making badges based off of Pokemon before, but I ended up not liking the idea - the art would have to be concise yet detailed just to pull it off, and it gets kinda weird when you realise that the PT Gym Leaders use dual-type Pokemon as their main.
Bouncy Ball
03/05/12 08:23 amFilter - Reply #27



Group: Mod
Posts: 4057
I think that though these look neat, they don't really seem to fit the style of official badges. They have thick outlines and a unified desaturated color scheme. They are simple abstract representations of the gyms personality.

03/05/12 09:20 pm - Last edited 03/05/12 09:21 pm by happypuppyFilter - Reply #28



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Posts: 120
QUOTE: Bouncy Ball
I think that though these look neat, they don't really seem to fit the style of official badges. They have thick outlines and a unified desaturated color scheme. They are simple abstract representations of the gyms personality.
It doesn't have to fit the style does it? It would've been cool if the badges were purposely made to look different compared to ones from other pokemon games. edit: that's odd.... I'm pretty sure someone called the fame replied before I did but I don't see anything...

03/28/12 12:11 amFilter - Reply #29

Group: Member
It doesn't have to fit the style, but Bouncy Ball has a point. I'm glad he put up a picture of all of the badges though - I can study them and come up better designs
04/04/12 08:35 pmFilter - Reply #30



Group: Member
Posts: 226
Hey, I made some attempts at drawing some badges, of course it's nowhere near Pokemon-Perfection, but Since you already created this toppic, if you don't mind, I'll put them here... These are just ideas, of course, the names are Lame, but I had to name them... :/ LOL So here they are: Image Hope you guys like them, the Fiery one is kinda like the one from Blaine... But, f**k that... LOL These little bad boys, were made with Paint.Net... :P Kinda like Free-Lower-Quality-Photoshop... LOL Well, please critique them, comment, or kick my sorry A for using your Toppic... Thanks...

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04/06/12 04:26 amFilter - Reply #31
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Well they are of better quality than the others, that's not to say I necessarily like them more. I mean the last two designs are good, but the others... and that razorblade badge is just begging for trouble...

04/06/12 01:37 pmFilter - Reply #32

Group: Member
LOL I Know... They are in order of making, the first one I made was the Sunset, and the last one was the Pyro... So, it's way too visible, the evolution xD Also, the method changed after the Desertdust, and then, changed back again, after the Rubyshell (I guess you can see that pretty well...) Oh, and these are just Ideas... :P Not actual badges, I would like to make them more Pokemon-ish, but I can't seem to find the tricks, except for Photoshop, and I just CAN'T install photoshop in my PC, dunno why, It just doesn't work... :/ Anyway, thanks for the feedback! ;)
04/06/12 08:24 pmFilter - Reply #33

Group: Member
I like the style of your badges My favorite one is the Rubyshell Badge - the design is very simple, but very elegant looking as well. I'm going to try and improve on the badge designs I made, but it'll take a while to do Also, good to know that you use as well
04/07/12 03:37 pm - Last edited 04/10/12 09:22 pm by DarihFilter - Reply #34

Group: Member
Hey, Thanks Coronation! I made a simple Tutorial, so you guys can see the techniques I used, maybe you could add yours as well, so we can make the 8 Badges for the Game^^, I'm going to post the Tutorial here :P EDIT: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tutorial Paint.Net How To Make A Simple Pokémon Badge: 1. Start a New Project (200x200px) [Photoshop Sizes, but I guess it's the Same] 2. Clear All White Colors, so you keep only the Alpha [Transparent] (You can keep the white to guide you, and take it off in the End). 3. Add a New Layer. 4. Start By Drawing Your Form (use about 3px of brush strength) 5. Now, inside your form, draw the “Pearly” thing all Pokémon Badges have. (Use Any Form you Want) *This is about what you should have by now (I used a Round Form): Image 6. Now, select the insides of the form, add a new Layer, and Paint the Badge’s insides… Also, change the Properties of the Layer to about 3/4 the amount of Transparency because we’re going to need to see what’s in the back. 7. Add another Layer and fill the “Pearly” Thing with Black Diagonal Upwards. Also, paint the other Inside, the one that should be “Metal” in a Grey color, just for reference. Merge The Color And The Lines Layers, And it should look like this, now: Image 8. Now, using the Magic Wand tool, select the Metal Part, add another layer, and Add the Effect “Clouds”, under Effects>Process>Clouds, with about these values: Scale - 90, Texture - 0,25 and Combination Mode - Normal… 9. Go back, select the Pearly Thing in the Previous Layer (The one with the Colors) and add The Effect “Bevel Selection” under Effects>Selection>Bevel Selection, with these values: 1px of strength and both Shadow and Highlight Colors: Black! It now Should look like this: Image 10. Now, Go back to the Lines Layer (the first ones you drew), Select All the Lines, and add the Bevel Effect also, but with Shadow Black, Highlight White and Check the Alternate Lightning Direction Box. Do the same to the Metal Part. 11. Now add a new Layer in the Top, and Select the Pearly thing on Its Layer, go back to the newly created one and add some White lines, some of them larger than others, all in the same direction, and change the Transparency of the layer to about ¼, so it looks like this: Image 12. Merge All the Layers except Background Lines, and the other one should have now the colors, the black lines, the white lines, the bevel effect on both parts, and all the shinings. Now Repeat Step 9 to add some strength to the effect and to add it to the lines also. Then add a new layer, With 2/3 transparency, paint some White stains in the Pearly thing, Blur them with Effects>Blur>Average Blur, and Radius value of about 3. OK, now we have some Shining, in the Pearly thing. We should have something like this: Image 13. In the End, Merge all the Layers, If you didn’t take the White in the backgroud, do so before you merge that one, except if you want to have a white background. If you want, do some retouches. You can Select Everything, Outline the whole thing, with a Black line (1px strength), pixelate it all a bit, so it could cover any imperfection with the Blacks&Whites mix. This is what I got in the End: Image ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are the techniques I used to make my badges, some tricks I "adapted" from Photoshop tutorials, because Paint.Net doesn't have the same tools, but, I made this, so, it's not that bad. This is a simple thing, maybe poorly explained (Sorry about that, I did what I could). I tell you this, though, There's a LOT of jumping around between layers and a lot of Ctrl+Z! LOL Hope this helps a bit! INFO: If by any chance, your Paint.Net doesn't have this Effects, I recomend you guys go to the Paint.Net Forums (Just google it) and Download the Effects... ;) Thank you and Again, hope this Helps anyone... :P ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT: Two new ones... Image Image
04/21/12 03:34 pmFilter - Reply #35

Group: Member
didn't know you could make these sorts of effects with paint, that's pretty impressive. There's also this program called paint tool sai you could use for this too.
04/21/12 04:03 pmFilter - Reply #36

Group: Member
It's not Microsoft Paint! :P It's a software called Paint.Net (The name is actually Paint dot net) lol It's a cool software, I guess^^,
04/22/12 12:32 amFilter - Reply #37

Group: Member
QUOTE: Darih
It's not Microsoft Paint! :P It's a software called Paint.Net (The name is actually Paint dot net) lol It's a cool software, I guess^^,
sorry, my mistake.
04/22/12 02:57 pmFilter - Reply #38

Group: Member
I guess you could do it with MS Paint too, but it would take a Pro to do it xD LOL
04/23/12 11:49 pmFilter - Reply #39

Jr. Trainer


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Posts: 33
Any good tips for making badges?

I caught them all.
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