We regret to inform you that we will be delaying the release of Pokemon Twilight V5. While we could release it now and you would all be thrilled to bits, our Team is dedicated to bring you a top quality game that is not only fun, but has you begging for more. We are making the final adjustments to the pokemon, where you find them, the attacks they learn, and placing items in the game. We really want to make sure its really finished up before we release it so its not just "another beta"
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
- John
i is wanting teh beta. but i also have an idea after v5 is out. there should be a way to have a draft of a post so that when you press fast reply, a certain text is already there. That text could be changed in the control panel.
LOL! That first post made me laugh. Hopefully this delay won't be >year wait
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Official Beta Tester for Pokemon Twilight
Highest poster on the GFF
Most active member on the GFF
66 (+2 special) out of 66 Pokemon Obtained on PTV5! Every single one of 'em!